How to Keep Your Car Cover from Blowing Off: A Practical Guide

Car covers are essential for protecting vehicles from environmental damage such as sun, rain, and wind. They keep cars clean and shield them from scratches, dirt, and other external elements. Yet, a common issue car owners face is keeping these covers from being blown away in strong winds.

This article will guide you through practical steps to ensure your car cover remains secure, even in strong winds. We will discuss selecting the right cover, using specialized accessories, and applying effective techniques to keep your car cover in place, safeguarding your vehicle against weather-induced wear and tear.

Choosing the Right Car Cover

Selecting the right car cover is crucial to prevent it from blowing off and to ensure your vehicle's protection. When choosing a cover, consider the fit, material, and additional features that will secure the cover against strong winds.

Fit is Key

A well-fitted car cover is less likely to be blown away. Opt for a custom-fit cover that hugs the contours of your car snugly. Unlike universal covers, which can be loose and baggy, a custom-fit cover minimizes the amount of material that wind can catch, reducing the risk of it being blown off.

Material Matters

The fabric of the car cover should be durable and wind-resistant. Look for covers made from heavyweight, breathable materials. These fabrics are less likely to flap violently in the wind, which reduces the chance of the cover tearing or coming loose. Breathability is also essential to prevent moisture buildup under the cover, which can lead to mold and mildew.

Secure Fastenings

Check for a car cover with sturdy fastenings. Elastic hems, straps, or buckles that can be adjusted ensure the cover stays in place, even during gusty conditions. Some covers come with grommets for additional tie-downs, which can be used to secure the cover further with ropes or bungee cords.

Windproof Features

Some car covers are specifically designed to be windproof and will have features like gust guards or wind straps. These accessories help anchor the cover to your vehicle and provide extra protection against strong winds.

When choosing a car cover to prevent it from blowing off, focus on getting a custom-fit, selecting the right material, ensuring secure fastenings, and considering windproof features. These factors combined will provide the best protection for your vehicle against the elements.

Securing Your Car Cover

Securing your car cover properly is important to prevent it from being blown away by strong winds. Use any of our provided steps below to secure your covers:

  1. Start by choosing a cover that fits your car snugly. A tight fit reduces the chances of wind getting underneath and causing the cover to billow.

  2. Use built-in grommets, which are metal eyelets along the edges of the cover, to anchor it. Thread a sturdy rope or bungee cord through these grommets and secure it underneath the car. This creates a firm hold, keeping the cover in place.

  3. For added security, especially in windy areas, invest in a specialized car cover clamp or gust guard. These tools apply additional pressure, holding the cover tightly against the car. Position these guards at strategic points where wind is likely to lift the cover, such as the front and rear ends.

  4. Check the cover regularly to ensure it remains tight and adjust the tension as needed. Over time, covers can loosen, particularly after repeated use or exposure to varying weather conditions. Regular adjustments maintain a secure fit.

  5. Finally, when parking, choose a sheltered location if possible. Parking under cover or beside a windbreak, like a building or hedge, can significantly reduce wind exposure, further preventing the cover from blowing off.

By following these steps, you can keep your car cover secure, ensuring it provides the protection your vehicle needs against the elements.

Maintenance and Regular Checks

Maintaining your car cover is important to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. Regularly inspect the cover for any signs of wear, such as tears or loose fittings, and repair them promptly to avoid compromised protection.

Adjusting the tension of tie-down straps or gust guards is crucial to maintain a snug fit and prevent the cover from loosening over time.

Regular Inspection for Wear and Tears

Check your car cover often for any signs of wear, tear, or thinning. These issues can weaken the cover's grip and increase the risk of it being blown away by the wind. Small rips or holes can turn into larger problems if not addressed promptly. A quick patch-up or stitching can save you from needing a new cover too soon.

Ensure a Snug Fit

A well-fitting cover is less likely to be caught by the wind. Over time, elastic edges can stretch out, and straps may become loose. Periodically, tighten these elements to maintain a snug fit around your vehicle. If your cover has adjustable straps, give them a check to make sure they’re as tight as necessary without overstretching.

Clean Your Cover Properly

Dirt and debris can accumulate on your cover, not only making it look unsightly but also potentially damaging the material, leading to a weaker structure. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning, which usually involves a gentle wash with mild detergent and air drying. Avoid machine drying as it can shrink or warp the fabric, affecting the fit.

Windproofing Accessories Check

If you use additional accessories like gust guards or clamps, inspect them regularly for any damage or wear. Ensure they are properly attached and adjust as needed for optimal tension. These accessories are crucial for keeping the cover secure in windy conditions, so it's important they are in good working order.

Rotate Your Cover

Just like tires, rotating your cover can help it wear more evenly, especially if certain parts are exposed to more sun or wind. Every few months, switch the direction or position of the cover on your car. This practice can extend the life of your cover, ensuring all parts remain strong and protective.

Seasonal Adjustments

Be mindful of the changing seasons. What works in the calm summer months might not hold up against autumn’s season. Adjust the tightness of your cover and the positioning of windproofing accessories as the weather changes. Additionally, consider a heavier-duty cover for winter to withstand snow and stronger winds.

Parking Strategies to Minimize Wind Impact

When selecting a parking spot to minimize the impact of wind on a car cover, consider the following strategies first.

  1. Parking close to buildings, walls, or trees can reduce wind speed and offer some protection. Yet, be mindful of potential hazards like falling branches or debris. Look for natural windbreaks in the environment, such as hedges or rows of trees, which can effectively reduce wind velocity.

  2. Orientation matters too; park your vehicle so it faces the wind direction. This strategy can prevent the wind from lifting the cover off from behind or the sides. In strong wind areas, opt for lower ground when possible, as wind speeds are often lower closer to the ground level.

  3. Use a car cover with a snug fit. Covers that are too large can catch more wind and are more likely to blow off. Adjustable straps or elastic hems can secure the cover under the car, providing additional anchorage.

  4. Finally, reinforce the cover’s hold with weighted bags or specialized clips that attach to the cover's edges. These can act as extra anchors, holding the cover down in windy conditions. Choose accessories specifically designed for securing car covers to ensure compatibility and effectiveness.


In conclusion, securing your car cover from blowing off involves selecting the right cover, ensuring it is properly fitted, and using effective securing methods. Regular maintenance and strategic parking can also play a crucial role in preventing the cover from blowing off.

By following the advice outlined in this article, car owners can protect their vehicles effectively against the elements.